Early Years Pupil Premium study
From October 2015, NatCen and Action for Children worked with settings that had already been visited as part of the SEED project, to explore the possibility of evaluating the effect of Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) funding on the quality of provision in childcare and Early Years settings.
What was involved?
As part of this work, the Action for Children team conducted a very short telephone interview with about 250 settings to collect information on the amount of EYPP received or expected and how it was being used, or how it was being inteded to be used.
The data we collected was completely confidential and settings' names remained anonymous throughout.
Was taking part mandatory?
Taking part was not mandatory but by participating you helped to inform government policy.
What happened after the telephone interview?
The data collected by the Action for Children team during the interview helped inform further research on the effect of EYPP on childcare quality.
Research timeline
Short telephone survey: October - November 2015
Published: January 2017