Linking to the National Pupil Database

What is the National Pupil Database?

The National Pupil Database (NPD) is a database managed by the Department for Education.  It holds information about pupils in state schools in England, as well as pupils in sixth form and Further Education colleges, and (where available) independent schools.

What is on the NPD?

The NPD holds information about pupils such as age, gender, ethnicity, attendance and exclusions, special educational needs, free school meal entitlement and educational attainment.

What will you do with the information?

If you consent to us linking the answers from this study to the records held on the NPD, this will allow researchers to develop a more accurate picture of your child’s progress at school. Although they are not at school now, in the future this information will help us understand how children’s early experiences and use of childcare/early education may impact on their educational outcomes.

What about confidentiality?

Your survey responses will be anonymised and stored on a secure database. Your child’s information will  remain confidential, handled in accordance with the Department for Education’s data handling rules and GDPR. Participants in SEED will not be identifiable in any published results.

If you decide at anytime you want to withdraw your consent, that’s fine and you can let us know by email

Where can I get further information?

For further information about the NPD, please visit their website